A Rare Desert Spectacle
Where Can I Find the Queen of the Night Flowers?
Although they can be found in warmer climates all over the world, the Night Blooming Cereus is native to Southwestern North America. Today, Tohono Chul Park, located in Oro Valley, is home to the world's largest collection of these cacti. Every year, people wait anxiously and patiently for Bloom Night!
The Night Blooming Cereus can also be naturally found in sandy soils, on the banks of washes, or on hill slopes; shaded by desert shrubs or by trees. Each cluster of cacti blooms simultaneously. Blooms at different locations will most likely happen on different nights.
How Do They Know When the Flowers Will Bloom?
In short, there is no precise way to determine when the Queens of the Night will make their appearance. Bloom Night typically happens between Mid-June to Mid-July, but that's as precise as it gets.
Shortly before blooming, the cacti will sprout buds, which eventually become the flowers. Tohono Chul publishes updates via an email newsletter, as well as on social media, about when they are expecting the flowers to bloom. They usually can't predict that the blooms will occur until the day of, so you may only have a few hours' notice.
Note: in 2024 Bloom Night was limited to members of Tohono Chul only. We don’t know yet if 2025 will be the same limitation.
Does the Bloom Have Cultural Significance?
In addition to being a highlight of the summer for many in Southern Arizona, the bloom also holds a significant place in Tohono O’odham storytelling and heritage. The Queen of the Night has also inspired songs, paintings, photographs, and a perfume (the flower is known to be highly aromatic).
What Do I Need to Know if I Go See the Bloom?
In order to receive updates on the Queen of the Night and to be notified when they are blooming, sign up for the Bloom Watch newsletter on Tohono Chul's website, and follow their social media accounts. When you're notified that the bloom is happening, make plans to arrive at either park between 5 PM and dusk. Be sure to bring a flashlight, a camera with a flash, plenty of water to drink, and wear closed-toe walking shoes.
The flowers start blooming around 5 PM and are usually in full bloom by dusk. Once there, prepare to be amazed by the sights and smells of the arrival of the Queen of the Night.
Tohono Chul has also hosted early morning visitors the following day before the flowers close. We'll update this story as soon as we know more about the 2025 event plans.
Is this the same night bloomer in the film Crazy Rich Asians?
It’s not! The flower in the movie Crazy Rich Asians is a Tan Hua plant (Epiphyllum oxypetalum). It also blooms just one night per year and was a central focus of a scene in the 2018 hit movie. The plant has its roots in Mexico and was imported to China in the 1600s.
Since that plant is also called the Queen of the Night (along with many other night bloomers) you may have gotten to this article by accident. We hope you’ll fall in love with Marana, Arizona and decide to come for a visit!
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