Partner Resources
Discover Marana is the Destination Marketing Organization for the Town of Marana. We tell the story of Marana and the businesses and attractions in and around it to local, regional, national, and even international audiences. We can promote your business and what makes it unique to people interested in visiting Marana and Southern Arizona; potential new customers for your business.
Upload Your Photos
Help Discover Marana showcase your business! Upload your high-resolution photos and videos to our CrowdRiff photo sharing portal to have them featured on our website and social media profiles. We'll be sure to give you credit! The high quality content on our website will help enhance your business listing as well!
Submit Your Event
Have an event that you would like to have featured on our calendar? Visit the link below to add event details, times and dates, location, and a photo.
Events are subject to staff approval.
Update Your Partner Listing
If you have updates that you'd like made to your partner listing, click below to contact Discover Marana staff via email, describing the changes that you would like to see made. We're also here to help you with marketing or social media questions you have. If we don't have the answer, we'll find it for you!
Activate Advanced Tracking on CrowdRiff
If you activate Advanced Tracking, we can access posts and stories that your business is tagged in on Facebook and Instagram, via our CrowdRiff photo sharing service. This gives us a larger library of content to promote your business with, including photos and videos directly from your guests. This authentic marketing from customers is extremely effective.